Oral Cancer

In Canada, 3400 new cases of mouth cancer are diagnosed each year. About 50% of those diagnosed do not live longer than 5 years after diagnosis because it wasn’t detected early enough.

The most common sites for oral cancer to be found are the tongue (which has the highest prevalence), throat, floor of the mouth and lips. Regular tobacco use (both chewing and smoking), alcohol consumption and prolonged sun exposure all increase risk in addition to age.

Daily Mouth Test (to be completed by someone else):

oral-caceer-care-Healthy-teeth-plus-secondLOOK: Look on all sides of the tongue, on the floor of the mouth, the cheeks, the hard palate, the soft palate, gums and teeth. Look for anything abnormal or different from the day before – any white or red patches, sores, bleeding, loose or broken teeth.

FEEL: Feel for any lumps, bumps, sores that bleed and do not heal. Check if the person had trouble chewing or swallowing.

TELL: Write down any concerns to discuss with your dentist. If the area of concern is still present or continues to worsen 7-14 days after initial finding, make arrangements to see a dentist of doctor.


Content supplied by the Brushing Up on Mouth Care Program